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Notice Of Books Closure

BackFeb 07, 2006

The Board of Directors of Samudera Shipping Line Ltd (the "Company") refers to its announcements on 28 December 2005 and 2 February 2006 in relation to the proposed bonus issue of up to 89,855,200 new ordinary shares of S$0.10 each in the capital of the Company ("Bonus Shares"), on the basis of one (1) Bonus Share credited as fully paid for every five (5) existing ordinary shares held by the shareholders of the Company ("Proposed Bonus Issue").

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Share Transfer Books and Register of Members of the Company will be closed on Thursday, 23 February 2006 for purposes of determining the entitlements of shareholders to the Proposed Bonus Issue.

Duly completed transfers received by the Company's Share Registrar, M&C Services Private Limited, 138 Robinson Road #17-00, The Corporate Office, Singapore 068906, up to 5:00 pm on Wednesday, 22 February 2006 will be registered to determine shareholders' entitlements to the Proposed Bonus Issue. Shareholders whose securities accounts with The Central Depository (Pte) Ltd are credited with shares as at 5:00pm on Wednesday, 22 February 2006 will be entitled to the Proposed Bonus Issue.

The Company will release an announcement on the date of the listing and quotation of the Bonus Shares on the Official List of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited in due course.

By order of the Board

Executive Director
7 February 2006