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Annual Reports
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Samudera Shipping Line Ltd (SSL) was incorporated in Singapore in 1993. The Company was converted into a public company on 2nd October 1997 when its shares got listed and quoted on SESDAQ. Following an approval from the Singapore Exchange, its shares have been transferred from SESDAQ to the Main Board, where Samudera 's shares are now listed and quoted since July, 2000.

Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023
Circular to shareholders dated 12 April 2024
Circular to shareholders dated 12 April 2024

Previous Years Annual Report

Year PDF Flipbook
Annual Report 2022 PDF version 13.40 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2021 PDF version 5.35 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2020 PDF version 27.78 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2019 PDF version 22.05 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2018 PDF version 15.56 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2017 PDF version 23.16 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2016 PDF version 30.40 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2015 PDF version 2.33 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2014 PDF version 6.81 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2013 PDF version 5.60 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2012 PDF version 4.24 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2011 PDF version 2.29 MB Flipbook version
Annual Report 2010 PDF version 2.20 MB
Annual Report 2009 PDF version 6.38 MB
Annual Report 2008 PDF version 1.53 MB
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