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Incident Involving Sinar Kapuas

BackJan 05, 2015
Announcement Title General Announcement
Announcement Subtitle Incident Involving Sinar Kapuas
Date & Time of Broadcast Jan 5, 2015 19:03
Submitted By Hermawan Fridiana Herman
Executive Director, Finance
Description The Board of Directors (the "Board" ) of Samudera Shipping Line Ltd (the "Company" ) wishes to inform that one of its bulk carriers, Sinar Kapuas (the "Vessel"), was involved in a collision with a crude oil tanker on 2 January 2015. The incident took place near Pedra Branca when the Vessel was en route to Singapore.

The Company is currently investigating the cause of the collision and assessing the extent of the damage to the Vessel and impact on the Group's financial performance if any. The Company also confirms that there were no injuries and no oil leakage from the Vessel arising from the incident.

The Board will make the appropriate announcements as and when there are subsequent material developments on this matter.

By Order of the Board

Hermawan Fridiana Herman
Executive Director, Finance
5 January 2015