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Announcement Of Cessation As Independent Director Who Is An Audit Committee Member

BackOct 31, 2013
Resignation Details
Name Of Person Lim Teck Leong David
Age 57
Is Effective Date Of Cessation Known? Yes
Effective Date Of Cessation 31/10/2013
Detailed Reason(s) for Cessation The resignation of Mr David Lim Teck Leong as an independent director of the Company is in line with the board renewal process.
Is there any difference of opinion on material matters between the person and the Board of directors? No
If yes, please elaborate NA
Is there any matter in relation to the cessation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the listed issuer? No
If yes, please elaborate NA
Any other relevant information to be provided to shareholders of the listed issuer? No
If yes, please elaborate NA
Date of Appointment to current position 13/09/1997
Job Title Chairman of Remuneration Committee and Member of Nominating and Audit Committees
Role and Responsibilities Non-Executive Independent Director
Does the AC have a minimum of 3 members (taking into account this resignation)? Yes
Number of Independent Directors currently resident in Singapore (taking into account this cessation) 3
Number of Cessations of Appointments specified in Listing Rule 704(7) over the past 12 months 1
Shareholding in the listed issuer and its subsidiaries Mr Lim is deemed interested in 60,000 shares held in name of his spouse.
Family relationship with any director and/or substantial shareholder of the listed issuer or of any of its principal subsidiaries NIL
Other Directorship
Past Directorship (for the last five years) Z-Obee Holdings Limited
Hendix Investments Limited
Pan Asian Mobile Pte Ltd
Gemmil Holdings Pte Ltd
Eastport Singapore Pte Ltd
National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre
The Community Foundation of Singapore
Solanum Investments Pte Ltd
Nexus Asia Investment Management Pte Ltd
Guan Aik (Pte.) Ltd
Aberdeen Goh Private Equity Fund I Pte Ltd
Winmark Investments Pte Ltd
Marine Claims Office of Asia Pte Ltd
8M Electronics Pte Ltd
Guan Aik Property Pte Ltd
Global Switch (Property) Singapore Pte Ltd
Guan Aik Enterprises Pte Ltd
Vision Marine Pte Ltd
Present Directorship Please refer to attachment 'AppendixA_DavidLim_PresentDirectorship'



  1. AppendixA_DavidLim_PresentDirectorship (Size: 17,645 bytes)