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Samudera Takes Delivery Of Container Vessel, Sinar Jepara

BackAug 01, 2011
Further to the Company's announcement made on 22 July 2011 (Announcement no. 00183), the Board of Directors (the "Board") is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, PT. Samudera Shipping Services has taken delivery of Sinar Jepara, a container vessel with a carrying capacity of 378 TEUS, in Hong Kong today. This is the first of the two vessels acquired, which are scheduled to be delivered in 3Q11, for our Indonesia Domestic Container Shipping segment for the year.

The vessel, built in 2006, is bought with the objective of strengthening the Group's presence in the Domestic Container Shipping Business in Indonesia which is growing in line with the Indonesia economy.

By order of the Board,

Asmari Herry
Executive Director
1 August 2011