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Samudera Acquires Two Container Vessels For Inter-Island Operation In Indonesia

BackSep 09, 2008
The Board of Directors of Samudera Shipping Line Ltd (the "Company") wishes to announce that its subsidiary in Indonesia, PT Samudera Shipping Services, has acquired two container vessels Sinar Ende and Sinar Ambon with capacity of about 200 teus (twenty foot equivalent units) each. The total purchase consideration is about US$ 3.7 million, and is financed through internal resources and bank borrowings.

These two ships are currently deployed by the Group to serve inter-island container shipping market in Indonesia. This addition in the fleet is in response to a growing demand in that market segment.

The acquisitions will accord the Group a greater flexibility in fleet deployment and provide more stability in its overall vessel operating cost.

By order of the Board

Dhrubajyoti Das
9 September 2008